Aboard the Queen Mary 2

Clinton Wharf  • 
Boarding was a bit chaotic, but we finally got on and to our room. It is a nice ship; a little musty, but nice. Food has been ok, and we have been enjoying some on board activities.

Getting ready to go was CHALLENGING!😝

Charlotte-Douglas International Airport  • 
Passports up to date? All services disconnected (tv, housekeepers, Sirius, etc etc)? Any credit cards set to expire before 2025? Packing: What do we keep, donate, sell? And in between packing, getting the condo in order for showings to prospective renters - ugh! It was exhausting!


John F. Kennedy International Airport  • 

The preparation

Charlotte-Douglas International Airport  • 
We rented a storage space - 10x15. We completely filled it!